Training courses

G-Cert-i provides individual and comprehensive training and modular systems courses and process improvements only in the form of open courses, which focus and deadlines are updated on this page.

The core of our trainings are open accredited courses of internal and external auditors for systems we are accredited. Courses are internationally accredited and give the guarantors of eligibility for such trained auditors as the Auditors_First Party (Internal Auditors at Home), Auditors_Second Party (Internal Auditors at the Supplier) and Auditors_Third Party (Certification Auditors, as long as they meet additional qualification and competency requirements). The type and dates of auditor training are updated on this page.

For the direct improvement of client processes, G-CERT-i provides ad hoc trainings only by cooperators who don‘t participate in G-Cert-i client certification processes in any way. In this way we guarantee the exclusion of conflicts of interest of the persons concerned. Trainings of this kind are provided by a separate contractual relationship.

Order form and date of training: